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My Trip to Asia Part 2 – Hong Kong

Lifestyle, Travel

This is Part 2 of my trip to Hong Kong. If you missed Part 1, please see the post here.

I really love Hong Kong and I’ve always said that it’s the New York City of the East. It’s also the perfect blend of the traditional and the modern culture. As a huge fan of Chinese cuisine, this city has the best in the world in my opinion. Shopping here is epic too. This is the best place to shop for all of the latest electronics as well as all of the Fashion Designers. The prices are lower than in the United States.

Settling down and really immersing ourselves into the culture, we headed out on a boat trip to Aberdeen, which is really the origin of Hong Kong. Before HK was open to foreign traders, Aberdeen had villagers living there and made their living by fishing. Today, since there are fisheries in other parts of the city, the boat people’s numbers have decreased tremendously but the ones that are still there live by their old traditions.

Doesn’t my Mom look so excited?

The weather was absolutely beautiful as we started our boat ride.

Coming up on the famous Jumbo Floating Restaurant. This is the largest restaurant and it has three levels and is built to resemble an old palace.

Full view of this great restaurant. I’ve eaten at this restaurant when I went on my college graduation trip back in the day. We toured Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore and I remember this historic restaurant and how we had to take a boat to get there.

This whole area is also called a Typhoon Shelter because it’s a bay with a narrow opening for access. It protects small to medium ships from the gale force winds of a potential typhoon.

The floating village forms such a stunning contrast to the modern high-rises and skyscrapers in Hong Kong.

Another picture of the Aberdeen Floating Village. During Chinese New Year, they have fishing boat parades and races.

Getting ready to take the Victoria Peak tram ride. This is the highest mountain in Hong Kong and at the top you get spectacular views of the harbor and the surrounding islands.

Here’s the observation deck at the summit.

Headed back down. You can either take the tram back down or hike down the many trails leading back to the bottom.

We got word that there was a hurricane coming into Hong Kong and I’ve been on vacation twice where there was a hurricane warning so I’m a veteran at this point especially since I lived in Florida for 10 years. My trip to St. Lucia had a hurricane also.

We all gathered in the hotel to discuss the trip since we were headed to Japan in a couple of days. Some people decided to fly back to the United States, but we stayed the course and I’m glad we did, because it wasn’t as bad as predicted.

Here is the next day with branches and tree stumps already cut down and moved into piles. People that are used to bad weather are really organized in getting everything back to normal.

We went out the night before we left and partied. I just love the old with the new in Hong Kong.

This city is really one of my most favorite in the world. If you haven’t been to Hong Kong, I would highly recommend it. Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever been or want to go and I’ll give you some more tips and observations.

Thanks for reading and I’ll see ya next time.