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23 Things that Gave Me Life This Season – The Last of the Year

Lifestyle, Seasonal

Etsy – Lydia Kardos Studio

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It’s almost the end of the year. Can you believe it? This year went by so fast and I feel like I did not complete all of my goals for the year. How about you? I’m looking at my vision board that I made at the beginning of the year and I have to say, there are a few things I did not do, like traveling to nearby states for long weekends and really leaning into a healthy lifestyle with exercise and a healthy diet.

But all is not lost. I am not going to beat myself up because I did take baby steps in a lot of ways. I have made strides in my social media and I am learning new things every day it seems.

I will always love finding beautiful and functional things and this year I started a monthly list of what is “Giving Me Life”, which means what is making me swoon, be inspired and is generally making me catch my breath when I see it. So I will continue to let you guys know what’s out there and share what is giving me life. If you’ve missed the other blog posts I’ve done this year, I’ve listed them below so you can have your minds blown too.







Sit back and relax with a cup of coffee or tea. This will be a feast for your eyes.

Interior Design

Of course interior design is close to my heart as I’m a designer and love beauty and function in the projects I see.

This watering can is such a stunning design and why not water your plants in style?

Pinterest – Grounded Plants

Since green is my favorite color, this collection of pottery from Etsy made me stop in my tracks. Handmade items get me every time.

Etsy – Artisana Store

Lighting is another of my favorite things. It’s like the jewelry of the room. This sconce below is like a statement earring right?

Trio de Design

I don’t know why this paint color made me stop my scroll, but there’s something about this rusty orange color that made me have all the feels.

Tonester Paints

I’m a fan of having a fun element in a room and if it’s vintage, that makes it even better. I want a gumball machine now after seeing this one.

Etsy – Almost Famous Gift Shop

Green again, but this tribal chair is so striking that I feel like it would be great in any color.

Aguirre Design


A lot of people don’t make style a priority in their bathrooms. They only think about function, but there’s so many items that can be beautiful too.

This marble tube squeezer is a must have if you’re obsessed, like me, with getting every last drop out of your toothpaste or lotion tube.


Why not put your soap on a pedestal and brass elevates it even more.

Allied Brass

Towels can be beautiful too and Anthropologie never disappoints with these velour ones.


A vintage look shower system in brass will never go wrong. I especially like how it looks against the dark plaster wall.


Can you believe this toilet paper holder? In travertine? It made my heart go pitter patter.

Etsy – Andres Stone Design


Kitchen items are always being elevated by design. The form and function has always been there, but every day the design is being elevated and new ideas are being taken to the market.

These melamine plates have a marbleized design on them and I almost wouldn’t want to put food on them because they’re so pretty.

House and Hold

A stand mixer with a terrazzo base. Enough said.

Instagram @badbatch

The same company who made the mixer above, made these kitchen utensils with fun colors and designs.

Instagram @badbatch

Black mango wood cutting boards would make spectacular charcuterie boards wouldn’t they?

The Lifestyled Co

Crystal mugs would make anyone feel fancy, huh?



Fashion is always something that catches my eye when I’m scrolling and as usual, designers are pushing the envelope at all times to give us new and different looks.

Sweaters are my favorites for the cooler months and this sweater with large matching sequins is calling my name.

Mums Handmade

Glasses are more and more becoming an accessory in itself. Mixed materials like this pair below, add even more style to your outfit.

Fomo Looo

Missoni is on my bucket list and I could just about afford these slides. LOL The pattern is so iconic and would elevate even jeans and a t-shirt.


Wool bucket hats in these autumnal colors are a hit with me.

Urban Outfitters

Green faux fur clogs with rubber straps. Sounds weird until you see these and put them in your cart immediately. Or is that just me?

Nordstrom Rack

I would definitely get this brass ring. See what I did there? The lips are so cool and I love a statement ring.

Burke Decor

So as this year winds down and I reminisce about what I choose to see as all positivity, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope you all made progress in living your dreams. We must all give each other grace as well as ourselves in reaching goals and being grateful for what we have achieved.

Let me know if you had a fruitful year and what you want to achieve going forward.

See ya Next Year!